The Bridges Cup is a seventy-two hole event with twenty-four participants who will compete on two teams of twelve USA participants vs. twelve European participants.
Round 1 & 2: FOUR-BALL
Each member of a two-man team plays his own ball, so four balls are in play on every hole. Each team counts the lowest of its two scores on each hole, and the team whose player has the lowest score wins the hole (1 point) . If the low scores are tied, the hole is halved (1/2 Point).
Round 3: Modified FOURSOMES
Each two-man team plays one ball per hole with the players taking turns until each hole is complete. Both players will hit tee shots on each hole, then alternate from the next shot. The team with the low score on each hole wins that hole. If their scores are tied, the hole is halved (1/2 Point).
Round 4: SINGLES
Each match features one player from each team, but two matches will be paired together. The player with the lower score on each hole wins that hole (1 Point) . If their scores are tied, the hole is halved (1/2 Point).